List of conferences
- Final program -
| Time/Session | Papers |
Monday 29 May 2017 |
The welcome from the Director of Ifsttar Nantes site Tamagny Philippe |
Opening session: 14:00 – 14:30 | The welcome from the Director of International Affairs Jullien Agnès | |
| Introduction from the organizers Cerezo Veronique | |
“Development and Multi-Year Verification Results of a Unified Calibration and Harmonization System” | |
| Rado Zoltan | |
| The Dillon Kane Group (United States) | |
“ROSANNE project: toward a common scale for skid resistance measurements” | |
Session 1: 14:30 – 15:50
Harmonization of skid resistance: former and current experiences |
Greene Martin1 Cerezo Veronique2 Viner Helen1
1 - TRL (United Kingdom), 2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) | |
Chair: Wambold James | “Advances in standardization of friction measurements”
Van Bijsterveld Wouter1 Ardill Owen2 Briessinck Margo2 Cerezo Veronique2 Dal Lago Richard2 Meyer André2 Schmidt Jürgen2 Vos Erik2 | |
| 1 - Convenor of CEN TC227 WG5 TG2 Friction and Texture 2 – Members of CEN TC227 WG5 TG2 |
“Comparison of measurement methods used for evaluate of the skid resistance of road pavements in Poland”
Wasilewska Marta Gardziejczyk Wladyslaw Gierasimiuk Pawel
Bialystok University of Technology (Poland) |
Coffee break | ||
Session 2: 16:20 – 17:40
Skid resistance: Measurements and Requirements
Chair: Woodward David |
“Friction requirements on roads, paths and cycleways in summer road condition in Sweden; a pilot study”
Sjögren Leif
The Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (Sweden) | |
“Grip values: Distribution on wet public roads”
Goizet Fabrice1 Bouveret Benoit2 Liers Henrik3 Biesse Frederic1
1 - Michelin (France) 2 - Colas / Magny-les-Hameaux (France) 3 - VUFO (Germany) | ||
“Runway Friction Testing - A Canadian Perspective”
Taylor Leonard
Tradewind Scientific Ltd. (Canada) | ||
Sponsor Time: SARSYS |
17:45 - Group Photo and cocktail
Tuesday 30 May 2017 |
“The Method for Determining the Surface Friction Coefficient and a Device for Its Implementation” |
| Nizovoy Anatoly | |
| LLC "OKP" VECTOR" (Russia) | |
| “Pavement Texture characterization for Skid Resistance modelling” | |
| Van Bijsterveld Wouter1 Del Val Miguel A.2 | |
| 1 - Geotecnia y Cimientos S.A. (Spain) 2 - Technical University of Madrid (Spain) | |
Session 3: 9:00 – 10:40 | “Pavement texture analysis through acquisition and image analysis ” | |
Pavement surface: Measurements and characterization | Khoudeir Majdi1 Bringier Benjamin1 Do Minh-Tan2 | |
Chair: Rado Zoltan | 1 - University of Poitiers and CNRS (France) 2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) | |
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| “Impact of Surface Noise on Models of Highway Surface Textures based on Digital Photography” | |
| Millar Phillip Woodward David | |
| Ulster University (United Kingdom) | |
“Development of a reference surface for the assessment of pavement skid resistance measurement devices” | |
| Sanders Peter1 Viner Helen1 Mc Robbie Stuart1 Ardill Owen2 | |
| 1 TRL (United Kingdom) |
| 2 Highways England |
Coffee break | ||
“Fundamentals of Road-Tire Friction” | |
| Wambold James | |
| Retired from Penn State University ( United States) | |
“Better understanding of the tyre road interface - developments in high speed friction” | |
| Sanders Peter1 Viner Helen1 Ardill Owen2 | |
Session 4: 11:10 – 12:30 | 1 - TRL (United Kingdom) 2 - Highways England | |
Tire/Pavement interaction |
“Surface roughness and rubber friction” | |
Chair: Khoudeir Majdi | Tuononen Ari Mahboob Kanafi Mona | |
| Aalto University (Finland) | |
“Optimization of tread compound and pavement surface profile for maximizing tire grip using multi-scale physics based friction model” | |
| Emami Anahita Khaleghian Seyedmeysam Taheri Saied | |
| Department of Mechanical Engineering Center for Tire Research (CenTiRe) - Virginia Tech (United States) | |
Lunch time |
“Development of a Dynamic Friction Tester Model” |
| Kane Malal1 Rado Zoltan2 Cerezo Veronique1 Do Minh-Tan1 | |
| 1 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) 2 - The Dillon Kane Group (United States) | |
“Interface enveloping using paint and photographs” | |
| Woodward David Millar Phillip | |
| Ulster University (United Kingdom) | |
Session 5: 14:00 – 15:40 |
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Tire/Pavement interaction modelling
Chair: Tuononen Ari | “A Brush-based approach for modelling runway friction assessment device”
Gerthoffert Jonathan1 Cerezo Véronique2 Thiery Mickael1 Bouteldja Mohamed3 Do Minh-Tan2 | |
| 1 - Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile - STAC (France) 2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) 3 - CEREMA CE, DL Lyon (France) | |
“Relating road surface texture to tire friction: A summary of research at Ifsttar” | |
| Do Minh-Tan Kane Malal Cerezo Veronique | |
| IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) | |
Coffee break |
Session 6: 16:10 – 17:10
Skid Resistance and its evolution
Chair: Taylor Leonard |
“Initial change of friction on newly paved roads - A case study”
Lundberg Thomas Arvidsson Anna
VTI (Sweden) |
“Friction after Polishing - a new performance orientate test method in situ”
Golkowski Gudrun Kellermann-Kinner Christine
Federal Highway Research Institute (Germany) | ||
“Polishing of road surfaces: From the understanding of phenomena to the link with traffic”
Do Minh-Tan1 Kane Malal1 Perigois Stephanie2 Le Turdu Valery2
1 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France) 2 - Cerema Ouest, DLRCA (France) | ||
| Closure session: 17: 10 – 17:40 |
Veronique Cerezo and Malal Kane |
Diner (Social Event)