List of conferences


- Final program -





Monday 29 May 2017



The welcome from the Director of Ifsttar Nantes site

Tamagny Philippe

Opening session: 14:00 – 14:30

The welcome from the Director of International Affairs

Jullien Agnès


Introduction from the organizers

Cerezo Veronique



“Development and Multi-Year Verification Results of a Unified Calibration and Harmonization System”


Rado Zoltan


The Dillon Kane Group (United States)



“ROSANNE project: toward a common scale for skid resistance measurements”

Session 1: 14:30 – 15:50


Harmonization of skid resistance: former and current experiences


Greene Martin1 Cerezo Veronique2 Viner Helen1


1 - TRL (United Kingdom),

2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France)

Chair: Wambold James

“Advances in standardization of friction measurements”


Van Bijsterveld Wouter1 Ardill Owen2

Briessinck Margo2 Cerezo Veronique2 Dal Lago Richard2 Meyer André2 Schmidt Jürgen2 Vos Erik2


1 - Convenor of CEN TC227 WG5 TG2 Friction and Texture 2 – Members of CEN TC227 WG5 TG2





“Comparison of measurement methods used for evaluate of the skid resistance of road pavements in Poland”


Wasilewska Marta Gardziejczyk Wladyslaw Gierasimiuk Pawel


Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)

Coffee break












Session 2: 16:20 – 17:40


Skid resistance: Measurements and Requirements


Chair: Woodward David


“Friction requirements on roads, paths and cycleways in summer road condition in Sweden; a pilot study”


Sjögren Leif


The Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (Sweden)


“Grip values: Distribution on wet public roads”


Goizet Fabrice1 Bouveret Benoit2 Liers Henrik3 Biesse Frederic1


1 - Michelin (France)

2 - Colas / Magny-les-Hameaux (France) 3 - VUFO (Germany)


“Runway Friction Testing - A Canadian Perspective”


Taylor Leonard


Tradewind Scientific Ltd. (Canada)

Sponsor Time: SARSYS


17:45 - Group Photo and cocktail


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Tuesday 30 May 2017



“The Method for Determining the Surface Friction Coefficient and a Device for Its Implementation”


Nizovoy Anatoly


LLC "OKP" VECTOR" (Russia)


“Pavement Texture characterization for Skid Resistance modelling”


Van Bijsterveld Wouter1 Del Val Miguel A.2


1 - Geotecnia y Cimientos S.A. (Spain)

2 - Technical University of Madrid (Spain)


Session 3: 9:00 – 10:40

“Pavement texture analysis through acquisition and image analysis ”


Pavement surface: Measurements and characterization

Khoudeir Majdi1 Bringier Benjamin1 Do Minh-Tan2


Chair: Rado Zoltan

1 - University of Poitiers and CNRS (France) 2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France)



“Impact of Surface Noise on Models of Highway Surface Textures based on Digital Photography”


Millar Phillip Woodward David


Ulster University (United Kingdom)



Development of a reference surface for the assessment of pavement skid resistance measurement devices”


Sanders Peter1 Viner Helen1

Mc Robbie Stuart1 Ardill Owen2


1 TRL (United Kingdom)




2 Highways England

Coffee break



Fundamentals of Road-Tire Friction


Wambold James


Retired from Penn State University ( United States)



“Better understanding of the tyre road interface - developments in high speed friction”


Sanders Peter1 Viner Helen1 Ardill Owen2


Session 4: 11:10 – 12:30

1 - TRL (United Kingdom) 2 - Highways England

Tire/Pavement interaction


“Surface roughness and rubber friction”

Chair: Khoudeir Majdi

Tuononen Ari Mahboob Kanafi Mona


Aalto University (Finland)



“Optimization of tread compound and pavement surface profile for maximizing tire grip using multi-scale physics based friction model”


Emami Anahita Khaleghian Seyedmeysam Taheri Saied


Department of Mechanical Engineering Center for Tire Research (CenTiRe) - Virginia Tech (United States)

Lunch time





“Development of a Dynamic Friction Tester Model”


Kane Malal1 Rado Zoltan2

Cerezo Veronique1 Do Minh-Tan1


1 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France)

2 - The Dillon Kane Group (United States)



“Interface enveloping using paint and photographs”


Woodward David Millar Phillip


Ulster University (United Kingdom)

Session 5:

14:00 – 15:40



Tire/Pavement interaction modelling


Chair: Tuononen Ari

“A Brush-based approach for modelling runway friction assessment device”


Gerthoffert Jonathan1 Cerezo Véronique2 Thiery Mickael1 Bouteldja Mohamed3 Do Minh-Tan2


1 - Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile - STAC (France) 2 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France)

3 - CEREMA CE, DL Lyon (France)



Relating road surface texture to tire friction: A summary of research at Ifsttar”


Do Minh-Tan Kane Malal Cerezo Veronique



Coffee break













Session 6: 16:10 – 17:10


Skid Resistance and its evolution


Chair: Taylor Leonard


“Initial change of friction on newly paved roads - A case study”


Lundberg Thomas Arvidsson Anna


VTI (Sweden)


Friction after Polishing - a new performance orientate test method in situ”


Golkowski Gudrun Kellermann-Kinner Christine


Federal Highway Research Institute (Germany)


“Polishing of road surfaces: From the understanding of phenomena to the link with traffic”


Do Minh-Tan1 Kane Malal1

Perigois Stephanie2 Le Turdu Valery2


1 - IFSTTAR, AME-EASE (France)

2 - Cerema Ouest, DLRCA (France)


Closure session: 17: 10 – 17:40


Veronique Cerezo and Malal Kane


Diner (Social Event)

Some pictures of 2017