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which will be held

from May 22, 2023 to May 26, 2023

in Nantes (France)

This workshop will be hosted by Laboratory EASE (Environmental Assessment, Safety and Ecodesign) from Gustave Eiffel University and will use University's facilities located in the campus of Nantes.

This workshop provides an opportunity to network with experts and other interested in friction measurements.


This third "friction workshop" will include various activities related to pavement friction performances assessment including:

  1.  An inter-laboratory comparison of high-speed devices (LFC, SFC…)
  2. An inter-laboratory comparison of walking speed friction devices (T2GO, etc.) and stationary devices devices (DFTester)
  3. An inter-laboratory comparison of texture devices (CTMeter, Elatextur, etc.))
  4. Calibration and checks
  5. Training


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